Thursday, June 21, 2018

Day 6 - 21 June 2018 - Nuremberg Day 2

After a warm sleep, we woke up to the pleasant sounds of birds chirping. At 8am the Bread vendor arrived with the pleasant toot of its horn much like an ice cream truck does, and we purchased some bröchen and juice to go with the canned sausage meat that we purchased at the town the previous day. While it was tasty, it had the appearance of eating cat or dog food out of a can. We then geared up and rode back into town (6 miles away) and suffered the same traffic mess as the day before. We found our free motorcycle parking spot at the same place as the previous day.  

The goal for today was to visit 3 significant places: the Imperial Castle, the Albrecht Dürer house and museum, and the Nuremberg War Crimes courthouse and museum. First up was a hike across the old city and up the hill to the Castle. At the Castle we paid our entry fee and first climbed the tower to enjoy the views of the city. Then we toured castle itself with its exhibits. It's worth noting that most of the Castle was destroyed in WWII, but has been skillfully reconstructed. Our last stop inside the Castle was to watch a demonstration of the Castle well which was impressive.

Leaving the castle we walked down along the castle wall and down to Albrecht Dürer's house. He was a very famous German realistic painter. The self guided tour included a listening device and we listened to every presentation as we made our way through the house. Interestingly, there's not a single authentic Dürer item in the house as all his works are in collections all over the world.

As a parenthetical note, I have received a lot of static on Facebook for wearing socks and sandals, but there is a painting in the Dürer house of him wearing red socks and sandals. If it's good enough for Albrecht Dürer, it's good enough for me!

After touring the Dürer house, we made our way back to the town square and found a restaurant to enjoy some famous little Nuremberg sausages and sauerkraut. It was then a fairly long walk of about 2 miles to the courthouse where the Nazi War Crimes were held. It's still an active courthouse but there is an excellent museum with another self guided audio/visual tour. The actual courtroom #600 was in use for another event so we couldn't visit it. We, however, could look down into it through some windows.

To save some walking, we took the U1 subway back to near where our motorcycle was parked. That was quick and easy! Back at the Campground we ate at the local restaurant and watched more of the World Cup match. This match was Croatia vs. Argentina and was a physically challenging one. The score was tied when we left. We bundled up for what seemed would be a cold night and so ended our second day in Nuremberg.

We're headed for Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic tomorrow. Stay tuned for more.

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